As the the owner of Flatland Custom Forage LLC, I have been in agriculture all my life. I grew up on a family farm and reunited with them in 2015. For 3 years I stayed with the family farm and helped out. At the end of 2018, I started Flatland Custom Forage in hope to growing the business. I slowly added services such as Trucking, Merging, Snow removal Manure spreading, and Mowing with Silage and Haylage Chopping being our biggest focuses.

At Flatland Custom Forage are most popular services are Silage and Haylage Chopping. Over the years we have added additional services.
Flatland Custom Forage can provide you with high quality forage in a structured manner. We will take care of roads and the farmers feilds in a professional matter. Any equipment failures will be fixed at the earliest opportunity and our system will be back up and running.